About us

 Namaste 🙏 Atman,

WELCOME to Yogashree 

This Blog covers all the aspects of Yoga Shastra and self-management included in the Vedas, Patanjali's Yogasutras, Hatha Yoga Pradipika-written by Svātmārāma, Gheranda Samhita, Goraksha yoga shastra, Shiva Samhita, Yoga Vasishtha, Yoga Ratnakar, Yoga Darshan, Manusmriti, Upanishads, Astanga Hridayam, and Bhagavat Gita- comprehensive text of personal and professional life management and Adhyatma Sadhana (Spiritual upgradation).

What makes the blog special is its explaining format. It vividly and graphically presents the key concepts of Yoga, which leads towards Health, Happiness, and Harmony, challenges, and the ways out.
This blog will help you better understand YOGA concepts and philosophy.

Email:     hi@yogashree.org
Blog:       https://yogashree.org/

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➤Youtube        https://www.youtube.com/@yogashreeorg
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➤ Telegram     : https://www.t.me/yogashreeorg

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